Home Testimonials Kundenbewertung Herr und Frau PICAUT

Herr und Frau PICAUT

Hello Ms. Ly DOAN,

First of all, a big thank you for your welcome and the irreproachable quality of the organization of our trip. We are fully satisfied with all the services you have put in place for us. The hotels were of high quality and the meals were organized delicious and always in a nice setting, we tasted authentic and refined dishes. As for the guides and drivers there too it was perfect, all of great kindness and availability at all times. A special mention for the Hanoi team with whom we got along very well and a lot of laughter and jokes in memory.

We had unforgettable moments and we thank all those who made this trip a success.

We keep beautiful memories, amazing images, funny sometimes, incredible flora and especially adorable people, smiling, extremely tolerant of each other, it has done us a lot of good.

We particularly liked the north of Vietnam, the mountains, and this peaceful and serene side.

We have also been emulated since it is very likely that Michelle’s sister and her husband will ask you for a trip if they have not already done so. It is true that we took our children and friends with us through Whatsapp and we sent them photos and videos every day, enough to make them want to visit your beautiful country.

Our time in a kindergarten is also a nice moment. As for Michelle taking a weaving class, very funny too.

What else to say, that all the guides know perfectly their region and their subject and we learned a lot from them. Thanks again to them.

We are obviously thinking of coming back to your area, maybe Laos combined with North Vietnam, to see…

We wish you and the whole team every success in the future.


Michelle and Vincent PICAUT

Herr und Frau PICAUT

(Gruppe 02 Personen)


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